Routing Number: 291274085
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If you are interested in any volunteer opportunities with NorthRidge, you do not need any prior financial experience. Your experience in our local communities provides much of the required skills. Typically, volunteering with the credit union is a monthly time commitment of about one to two hours and the meetings can take place between all NorthRidge’s office locations (meetings are currently held virtual).
Volunteer opportunities include being a director on our board or being a part of the supervisory committee. To read more, check out the drop down options below! Volunteering gives you a voice in your credit union. Help us make decisions about our future as an organization!
Like all credit unions, NorthRidge has a board of directors responsible for setting direction and overseeing operations on behalf of its members. Directors are elected by members, and every member in good standing has the right to seek election to the board.
The board has five key responsibilities:
NorthRidge appreciates the time and effort that our directors dedicate to planning our future and ensuring that the best interests of members are always at the forefront of the credit union’s operations. Directors attend regular board meetings and participate on board committees the time commitment is approximately one to two hours every month and the meeting locations vary between the NorthRidge offices.
Members of the NorthRidge Supervisory Committee are responsible for ensuring that the credit union’s Board of Directors and management establish and follow practices and procedures to properly safeguard members’ assets. In addition, the Committee is responsible for the annual financial statement audit from a licensed, independent auditor.
Do you have other skills that you think would be beneficial for NorthRidge? Let us know what they are!