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A new year could bring new scams. Scammers and fraudsters are constantly looking for new ways to get money from you. It is up to you to protect yourself from falling victim to a scam. Oftentimes scammers are so sophisticated that they can trick you into willingly giving them cash or worse, your account information. […]
Read MoreThe annual Chain of Hearts Fundraiser has officially kicked off! In 2022, NorthRidge raised over $2,600 to donate to Gillette Children’s. Help us raise over $2,000 again in 2023! This campaign is a fundraiser for the local nonprofit hospitals of the Gillette Children’s Hospitals. Credit union members, community residents, and area businesses help us raise […]
Read MoreSaving Money We’ve already posted several times on social media and our blog about saving money. You’ve heard the message. You probably hear it regularly everywhere else too, “Pay yourself first”, “Keep a rainy-day fund”, “Build your emergency savings”. You already know what you’re supposed to do, but why is it so hard to do […]
Read MoreGas stations charging more than you pumped? A run down on authorization holds. “Why is there $100 charge on my card for only $30 in gas?!” Gas stations charging more than you pumped? Did the gas station just charge you over $100 for your $30 gas purchase? If you paid at the pump, that’s normal! […]
Read MoreLearn how to detect fraudulent checks and prevent scams. Unfortunately, fraud and scams are unavoidable in today’s world (not unpreventable, though). There are varying types of serious fraud and varying types of scams. Sometimes it can feel like someone is always trying to scam you. Scam text messages are as common as scammers calling you, […]
Read MoreTeaching Kids About Finances April is National Credit Union Youth Month! Not only do we plan on celebrating our area youth this month with some fun activities, but we also want to focus on teaching kids about finances. That’s where you as parents, guardians or other influential adults, come in to help! To be financially […]
Read MoreThe Ultimate Secret to Financial Freedom Okay, that is a big headline. And this is a hard topic for some. But there really is just one secret to financial freedom to learn. And no, it is not how to write the perfect budget or consolidate all your debt with the perfect debt consolidation loan. Those […]
Read MoreFinancial Stress and Your Heart February is American Heart Month. We talk a lot about how your mental, physical, and financial health all play a role in your overall wellbeing. Poor financial health can cause stress and affect your mental health. And, as we all know, stress can seriously affect your physical health (especially your […]
Read MoreFirst and foremost, Happy New Year to our members and communities! Thank you for your amazing support in 2021. NorthRidge continues to grow and prosper. We are so excited for what’s coming in 2022 that helps us to serve you even better. Mobile wallets have been activated on your NorthRidge cards, our new building in […]
Read MoreDecember is National Human Rights Month. This is something that holds great meaning for NorthRidge. The credit union philosophy is “People Helping People.” What better way to celebrate that, than by acknowledging and recognizing human rights? Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, dignity, and kindness without regard to gender, race, age, social status, or […]
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